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Everywhere I turn it seems like a Coconut beer is being highlighted. Coconut does offer a nice refreshing flavor in the hot summer months. And let me tell you, I am a coconut freak. I love coconut everything so coconut beer is right up there.

Honestly though I haven’t heard many consumers talking about coconut beers though, just the people making and selling them.

Draft Beer just released this article on their favorite coconut beers:

I honestly don’t think Coconut beers will explode in popularity like IPA’s have, however I have written previously that I believe IPA’s are no longer growing in popularity as much. Sure there’s a tail to their growth especially when focusing on worldwide growth but in the US I think we are ready for a more malty style of beer, and it is interesting to see the majority of the coconut beers being offered are porters and stouts. Yes even during the summer months stout and porters are flavorful!

Let’s see what I see and taste at the CBC this week. I’m looking forward to learning as much as possible about what the breweries have in store for the upcoming year.


#craftbeer #beer

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