Welcome to the KegMetrics Developer’s Notes. This is a brief update with where we are at with development of KegMetrics. As you know KegMetrics is Keg Management Software that allows you to utilize your phone as a scanner to track your kegs. It does so much more than just track kegs though which is why we call it keg management software. We are a little different than your standard software developer. We are built and designed by brewers. We are craft just like you.
We’ve been plugging away at features and fixes for a few months now. We are now in a place where we are ready for rolling it out. In summary, we are up and running and taking orders. To build momentum our price is currently discounted, and we are still offering a 6 month 100% money back guarantee. There’s virtually no risk.
We’re staggering the rollout so we can give each customer our full attention and as part of it we’re doing the labeling and tagging of all kegs you have onsite. We’d love to swing by your brewery or have a call to run you through the software to see if it is a good fit for your needs.
Status Summary:
KegMetrics is up and running on Amazon Web Services, has daily back up of data and currently does the setup with each order. We run out of your browser and work on mobile and desktop/laptop platforms. You don’t have to buy user licenses, and we are extremely cost effective.
Status Details:
Formatting and printing of Labels: We’ve spent an intense amount of effort making sure we got the right labels and printing technology. I won’t bore you with all the tech but I’m really excited with the results. We print on 1″x 1.5″ polyester labels with a printing technique that won’t fade and resists scratches. The KegMetrics app functionality allows for printing and reprinting labels of various quantities. The label is good from -40 to 302 degrees F and has been tested against mild acids, pressure washing and is permanent rated “outdoor durable”. Currently, we handle all the printing for you so you don’t even have to think about the labels. I’m seriously happy with our labeling.
Phone Scanning of the 2d Barcode:
KegMetrics was built from the ground up to utilize common mobile technology. This includes the asset scanning. Translation. You don’t have to buy additional hardware to use KegMetrics on Android devices and iOS/laptop/desktop scanning can be done with an inexpensive scan gun. You get one for free if you order before the end of July.
Laser Scan Gun works too!:
Yes, we have also allowed for scanning gun functionality to work with KegMetrics, so when you’re ready to move up in scan rates that functionality is built in.
CSV Keg Status import for initial keg set up: Yes. We offer a CSV import so you can take you spreadsheet and get it into KegMetrics easily.
Data Backups is proven to work: We use AWS (amazon web services) to back up once a day, and we can restore the database to any backup within the last week. We’ve run the system through getting corrupted and restoring it. All is well.
Digital Keg Collar Functionality: Yup this is online now. –This feature allows anyone who is not logged into the app to use a 3rd party QR scanning app to scan the KegMetrics QR code. The result is they will be taken to the public version of that specific Keg web page. There they will see anything you would put on a Keg Collar: For example: Beer Name, Batch No.,Batch Date, Keg Size, and Brewery. Nothing else (ie. no customer data).
Cooperage Metrics Calculations: This is where we specialize. Each Metric calculation is a “widget”. We currently offer Available On-Site (showing clean, sanitized or dirty), Occupied On-Site, Off-Site (grouped by customer). Future rollouts are planned and we welcome your feedback for more ideas.
Email Notification: This is working. We are different because KegMetrics sends out email reports to your customer and distributors showing appreciation for purchasing your beer and also asking for the status so you can collect the kegs. It can be turned off as well. Note: We have also jumped through the hurdles to get the emails into the inbox (rather than the spam folder). We use Amazon services as the trusted sender which authenticates each email so it’s not registered as spam.
Compatible Platform Status: Android = Awesome, iOS = Acceptable, Windows = Awesome, OSX = Awesome.
Clearly there’s so much more to highlight. Please stay tuned for future updates as we roll out new features or fixes. Of course if you would like a demo, or would like to sign up please head over KegMetrics.com to get in touch with us. We’d love to hear from you.
Keep the beer flowing,